

YouTube Video Upload Processing Error Messages

YouTube Video Upload Processing Error Messages
In this article, we explain the major reasons for YouTube rejecting a piece of content. This occurs after we have uploaded the file to YouTube and when they have processed it themselves. Where possible, we suggest a fix or link to any YouTube support documents that might be relevant. And if you’re new to Metigy, please give us a try for free! We work to ensure you never see these errors. And if you do, we’ll help you resolve them!

Troubleshoot YouTube Video Takedowns and Error Messages

Troubleshoot YouTube Video Takedowns and Error Messages

Content Claimed by Another Channel [claim]

This content has been claimed by someone else on YouTube. What that means is that the video is currently being checked by YouTube and you will need to check YouTube Creator Studio for more information on how to proceed.

Copyright Claim [copyright]

There is an outstanding copyright claim on YouTube for this content. The cause of this might be down to the soundtrack you’ve used, so please ensure you have the right to use it and have attained the relevant permissions. You can find more information about resolving this in the YouTube Creator Studio.

Duplicate Chanel Video [duplicate]

The cause of this is usually that you have uploaded the same video again. To address this you can either remove the duplicate that was already uploaded. Or, try editing the video to make it different enough not to be flagged by Youtube. And then try uploading it again.

Inappropriate [inappropriate]

The contents of this video are inappropriate as outlined by YouTube. Please check YouTube Creator Studio for more information on how to address this. Find out more in YouTube support documents. You can appeal this decision with YouTube or work to address anything that might be at fault in the video and try again.

Legal issue [legal]

YouTube had flagged a legal issue with this video. Please contact YouTube for more information through the YouTube Creator Studio. You will need to work with them to identify what the legal issue is with the content.

Video Length [length]

The video is too long or too short for YouTube. Please try adjusting the length. If this is a long video, you may need to contact YouTube to request an increase in video length you can upload. The minimum length for a video is 15 second. If your account is not verified – learn how to verify your YouTube account – then you can upload a maximum of 15 minutes. Once you have verified, you can upload videos of almost any length. You can get more details from the YouTube Creator Studio. Then try uploading the video again.

Terms of Use [termsOfUse]

There was a Terms of Use or copyright violation flagged by YouTube for this video. Please check YouTube Creator Studio for more information. Find out more in YouTube support documents.

Trademark Infringement [trademark]

YouTube rejected the video for violating their trademark policy. Please check YouTube Creator Studio for more information. Find out more in YouTube support documents.

Account closed or no Long Available [uploaderAccountClosed]

The account being used appears to be closed. To check this, try logging into YouTube using the account you connected to Metigy. If you can’t and think the account was deleted by accident or maliciously, contact YouTube using this support form to see if they can restore it.

Account Suspended [uploaderAccountSuspended]

The account being used has been suspended by YouTube for breaches of service. You can appeal this, but you will need to refer to their Account terminations documentation to start the appeal process.

Invalid Tags [invalidTags]

The uploaded information includes invalid keywords and has been rejected by YouTube. Please consider changing them and trying again. This error usually only occurs if you use strange symbols, characters or just didn’t set them – we make you. We try our best to ensure the deliverability of what you enter, but there can be exceptions.

Invalid Title [invalidTitle]

YouTube has flagged this video’s title as being invalid. This error usually only occurs if you use strange symbols, characters or just didn’t set them – we make you. Please try adjusting it and trying again. We try our best to ensure the deliverability of what you enter, but there can be exceptions.

Video has an Invalid Description [invalidDescription]

The request metadata specifies an invalid video description. This error should not occur as we check you have set a valid description, but sometimes there can be unexpected issues.


Something went wrong uploading your file to YouTube. We’ve recorded the error and will look into it. In the meantime, please try uploading the file again. Most of the time this occurs, you can get the official information from within YouTube Creator Studio.

Further Reading

For all of the above items, you can find out more in the YouTube support documents about video takedowns. Learn how to upload a video to YouTube using Metigy AI. Your Marketing Decision Support Assistant.
content curator video error, Troubleshoot YouTube Video Takedowns, video upload error, youtube, youtube api error, youtube error
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