Are you looking for fresh ideas to promote your brand on Instagram? Have you tried brand collaborations yet? This emerging promotional trend is becoming popular with small businesses to widen their reach.
Brand collaborations or influencer collaborations?
Brand collaborations and influencers play different roles in marketing and promotion. Here’s a super quick overview of the difference between a brand collaboration and influencer. Influencer collaborations are about using an influencer to endorse, use or mention a product. Brand collaborations involve two or more companies coming together for a common marketing goal. Such partnerships typically focus on mutual benefits and may release joint products, run joint campaigns, and give each other shout-outs.What are the benefits of brand collaborations?
So, is it really worth engaging with another brand to work together on Instagram? We certainly think so. The two stand out reasons your business stands to gain by collaborating with brands on Instagram are:- Brand collaborations are cheaper than advertising.
- You will reach more potential customers.
What do brand collaborations look like?
Brand collaborations engage audiences and can attract publicity, build a buzz. Think posts, giveaways, awards, and cross-promotions. Content that typically engages an audience into action. The aim of a content strategy: More people will interact with your account and will familiarize themselves with the type of products you offer, which will, in turn, boost your sales. Cha-ching! Launching a collaboration that enhances the experience of product or service users can attract pr from industry media too. Watch this PR 101 interview with Sophia Aiano of Sling & Stone: 10:11Brand collaborations can build trust
Brand collaborations built trust faster than any other means of social media marketing Partnering with the right brand gives you access to your ideal client or customer with a recommendation from their trusted source! Word of Mouth gold. Successful brand collaborations will also open the doors to partnerships with other brands, further maximizing your reach. Brand x brand collaborations do well on Instagram. Being one of the most popular social media platforms globally, doing everything right guarantees your business a boost. Understanding how to promote your brand on Instagram is one thing, and forming collaborations is another. Here is what you need to know.Identify the goal of the collaboration.
Do not collaborate for the sake of it! Before promoting your brand on Instagram, ask yourself why. What is the reason (problem you want to solve) for this partnering? Understanding ‘your why’ gives you the base to work from. Your why does not have to be rock star big. It could be:- I want to grow your email list.
- I want to boost my sales.
- I want to engage your audience more.