How do you know how well your Facebook strategy is working? The answer: metrics.
Like every social media marketer, you need to track metrics to optimize and refine your Facebook social strategy. But which metrics should you use? And what is the best way to track them? Using Facebook insights or a standalone solution? This quick guide will show you the most important metrics to track and the best way to track them. Let’s dive in.
Facebook metrics
Like most major social platforms, Facebook offers users some insights into how your content is performing. But how do you see them? Head on over to your page and click on the insights tab. The first thing you’ll see is an overview of some of the key metrics including:- Actions on page: The number of clicks on your page’s contact info or CTA.
- Page views: The number of times your page has been viewed.
- Page likes: The number of new people who have liked your page in a given period.
- Post reach: The number of unique people who have had any of their posts on their page. Contrast this to impressions which means the total number of times your posts were served even if the same person saw it multiple times. Note this does not mean they interacted with a post, and Facebook also states that this stat may not be precise.
- Story reach: The number of unique people who have had any of your stories on their screens in a given date range. Facebook also states that this metric may not be precise.
- Recommendations: The number of times that people have recommended your page.
- Post engagement: The number of times people have interacted with your posts. This includes comments, likes and shares.
- Videos: The number of times that your videos were played for at least three seconds.
- Page followers: The number of new people that have followed your page.